Our family decided to stay at D'ART In Heng-Seong during the summer vacation. We left to Resort at 10 on the 27th of july. It took more than 5 hours from north Su-Won to Dun-Nae Toll gate because of the traffic jam. At Dun-Nae Famer union Shop, we bought several kind of beef and shrimps and Roasted them over charcoal. It was very delicious and we have them too much. I thought it made us much more fatter and put on many pounds therefore we got a potbelly. Finally we will have to work out for a long time. Anyway D'ART is the best place for the family tour to avoid hot summer. It is comfotable just like the place that we used often to be . This year, our summer vacation is the best for us.

'무언가에 대한 잔상 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

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