I want to talk to Boss.
You are in an hospital now.
You are going under the plastic surgery
to be more beautiful.
I know this time is the second.
But I think you don't know anything what is really  beauty.
Without the knife, you are enough cute.
Your clothes match you better these days
and Your talk skill is very well known to everybody.
Therefore you are wasting your money.

'무언가에 대한 잔상 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

jBOS - He was not a kind man.  (0) 2013.09.18
R.I.P.D.  (0) 2013.09.14
It is absurd that agent called me and do such a thing.  (0) 2013.08.14
Is The Conjuring a real horror film.  (0) 2013.08.09
Discrimination of daughters and sons  (0) 2013.08.06

Agent called me and spoke to me couldn't find a internet number doing not use.

Agent said to me you arranged it.
I said That was not my territory.
Agent was angry with me..
Everyone agent called said to her this problem was my job.
So...I had to say again this was not my job
Though she talked to me Why you teach me strictly.
Finally... I couln't help it.
I talked to her everyone you touched were dumb and dumber.
and hang up the phone.
It is hard to do my job today.
Hug me gently  and consoled me.

'무언가에 대한 잔상 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

R.I.P.D.  (0) 2013.09.14
Plastic surgery  (0) 2013.09.11
Is The Conjuring a real horror film.  (0) 2013.08.09
Discrimination of daughters and sons  (0) 2013.08.06
Snowpiercer and the terror live  (0) 2013.08.05

The Conjuring is a 2013 American supernatural horror
film directed by James Wan. The film
is based on a true story, and follows paranormal
investigators who come to the assistance of the Perron
family, who are experiencing
increasingly disturbing events in their farmhouse in Harrisville,
Rhode Island in 1971.

You must not discriminate daughter from son.
Your daughter has the right to equal
She has to say
" I must go to the States and study in a High school.
Of course I don't like studying, I like money,
But my parents wants me to go to the famous university.
When I was young, I was poor
so I will have to succeed for my parents.
I love my mother as a queen forever."
If you will really like to hear that, you don't do this now.

Did you watch "Snowpiercer" last week?
You said it was very fun but I heard the movie was some horrible.
Do you like horror movie?
The movie story is that nomal people running train are fighting
against the nobility.
The our main actor on our sides is Song.
We used to like to watch his movies like " the memory of murder, Hindsight".
But I don't want to see him on screen anymore.
and I think you don't do either.
Although The director cast him as the leading man
and He is a character actor, He is too old and ugly.
Frankly speaking, His acting have never been changed.
Now we like the more "the terror live" than "Snowpiercer".

'무언가에 대한 잔상 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

Is The Conjuring a real horror film.  (0) 2013.08.09
Discrimination of daughters and sons  (0) 2013.08.06
It is the club D'ART Pension.  (0) 2013.07.28
They must be lover  (0) 2013.07.22
Being without regard for other people.  (0) 2013.07.18

Our family decided to stay at D'ART In Heng-Seong during the summer vacation. We left to Resort at 10 on the 27th of july. It took more than 5 hours from north Su-Won to Dun-Nae Toll gate because of the traffic jam. At Dun-Nae Famer union Shop, we bought several kind of beef and shrimps and Roasted them over charcoal. It was very delicious and we have them too much. I thought it made us much more fatter and put on many pounds therefore we got a potbelly. Finally we will have to work out for a long time. Anyway D'ART is the best place for the family tour to avoid hot summer. It is comfotable just like the place that we used often to be . This year, our summer vacation is the best for us.

'무언가에 대한 잔상 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

Discrimination of daughters and sons  (0) 2013.08.06
Snowpiercer and the terror live  (0) 2013.08.05
They must be lover  (0) 2013.07.22
Being without regard for other people.  (0) 2013.07.18
The big differences in position.  (0) 2013.07.15
I took the 37 bus to go back home after visiting Shin-gal funeral last friday night.
There were fewer people in the near last bus.
When the 37 bus entered the highway the middle-aged couple got on the bus.
They took seats after just right me smelling of liquor and whispered quietly.
Femal:"Honey~..I was too thinner lately so my boobs were poor."
        "I was thanks for your kindness...."
Male:"Did not worry about that. It was nothing. we were lover."
I endured for a long time.
At the samsung intersection, the couple hugging each other were got off and
disappeared away.

It was rainy last night.
Taking the umbrella, I was running around the Mansecok Park.
I could see the two arbours.
When I was passing next to them
Some of high school girls were in one place
and they were shouting out the sounds without regard for other people.
A couple was in another place
and they were kissing  while holding each other.
I was angry to them.
They made the good place to bad place.
I really wanted to send them to jail.

'무언가에 대한 잔상 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

It is the club D'ART Pension.  (0) 2013.07.28
They must be lover  (0) 2013.07.22
The big differences in position.  (0) 2013.07.15
트와일라잇 - 별루네 예전에 안보길 잘했지  (0) 2013.07.14
테러 트랩  (0) 2013.06.15

The bottom story is the big difference in position of men and women.

When one middle-aged woman was coming down from the top of the mountain,
Male high school students were smoking cigarettes.
To justice, she pointed out their wrong.
They had the bad feelings so they raped her.
Her husband listening to the story demanded a divorce to her.
The point of the story is the behavior of her husband.

What do you think about that?

'무언가에 대한 잔상 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

They must be lover  (0) 2013.07.22
Being without regard for other people.  (0) 2013.07.18
트와일라잇 - 별루네 예전에 안보길 잘했지  (0) 2013.07.14
테러 트랩  (0) 2013.06.15
위대하게 은밀하게  (0) 2013.06.09



감독:캐서린 하드윅
장르:로맨스 스릴러
출연:크리스틴 스튜어트-벨라 스완,
     로버트 패틴슨-에드워드 컬렌
큰딸이 보고 싶다고 보채는 트와일라잇
이 작품이 인기를 끌긴 했나보다 드라마 시리즈도 아닌 영화가
5편씩이나 나온걸 보면
비오는 토, 일요일에 1편과 2편을 몰아서 보았다.
애들은 출연 배우들이 멋지고 재미 있다고 하는데 어른의 입장에서는
성격상 얼토당토 않은 뱀파이어나 늑대인간 이야기를 좋아 하지 않으니
어쩔수 없으려나
그런데 공포의 대상인 뱀파이이가 단독이나 혹은 몇몇명씩 몰려 다니는
외로운 종족인줄 알았더니
참나원 인간처럼 귀족도 있고
말 안들으면 먼지처럼 사라지기도 하고
사랑도 하고
인간처럼 학교에 다니고
야구도 한다니
이거 뭐 특이할게 없네
수퍼맨 처럼 특이한 능력 빼면 말이다.


'무언가에 대한 잔상 > ' 카테고리의 다른 글

Being without regard for other people.  (0) 2013.07.18
The big differences in position.  (0) 2013.07.15
테러 트랩  (0) 2013.06.15
위대하게 은밀하게  (0) 2013.06.09
달라진 향기의 빛갈  (0) 2013.06.03

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